新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第二届青岛市旅游文化商品创新设计大赛揭晓


The second session of Qingdao tourism cultural products innovation design competition

2016-09-29 16:58:27来源: 半岛网

旅游文化商品创新设计大赛颁奖仪式在万象城举行。 文/半岛记者 韩英子 图由市南区旅游局提供 珊瑚、贝类、海星这些在海边较为常见的物品,通过对其进行创新设计,如今成为“一贝子”、“幸运星”...

Tourism cultural products innovation design competition award ceremony was held in vientiane city. The text/peninsula reporter Han Yingzi figure provided by the tourism districts corals, shellfish, starfish these more common items in the seaside, through its innovative design, has become "a BeiZi", "lucky star"...