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勇士40年来首迎主场抢七 惊人巧合暗示出局?

Warriors tiebreak amazing coincidence to meet for the first time in 40 years home suggests that out?

2016-05-31 08:47:02来源: 华体网

5月31日 西部决赛即将上演抢七生死战,对勇士和雷霆而言,这都是本赛季至今最重要的一场比赛。这也是勇士近40年来,首次在主场打抢七大战。而且那支勇士和本赛季的勇士,存在着诸多巧合,这是不是意味着...

On May 31, The western conference finals for the upcoming tiebreak, life and death for the warriors and thunder, it is still one of the most important games this season. This is the first time the warriors in recent 40 years, at home to play war tie-break. And that warriors and the warriors of the season, there are a lot of coincidence, does that mean that...