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亚冠-汤普森进球无效 墨尔本0-0平水原保持不败

AFC - Thompson disallowed the goal Melbourne 0-0 Suwon unbeaten

2016-03-15 19:44:21来源: 新浪

比赛中双方球员激烈拼抢 新浪体育讯 北京时间3月15日16:45分,2016亚冠联赛G组第3轮展开角逐,韩国K联赛劲旅水原三星客场挑战澳超冠军墨尔本胜利。第52分钟,汤普森近距离头球破门,但被判...

The game both players intense scraping Ticker at 16:45 on March 15 minutes, 2016 AFC Champions League Group G first three start competing K-League giants Suwon Samsung away to Australia super champion Melbourne Victory. The first 52 minutes, Thompson headed home at close range, but was sentenced to ...