新关注 > 信息聚合 > 人工智能突破!谷歌AI可以相互交流并加密


Artificial intelligence breakthrough! Google AI can communicate with each other and encryption

2016-11-02 17:35:43来源: 中关村在线

据The Verge报道,近日谷歌Google X神经网络项目Google Brain团队向记者证实,他们的人工智能研究出现了重大进展,两个独立的AI系统之间不仅可以相互交流,而且可以把他们相互交流的信息进行加密。这样的AI系统可以确保信息的安全,并能够互相交换信息。 人工智能突破!谷...

Reported according to The Verge, recently Google Google X Google Brain neural network project team confirmed to reporters, they appeared significant development of artificial intelligence research, not only between two independent AI systems can communicate with each other, and can put their information is encrypted to communicate with one another. The AI system can ensure the safety of the information, and can exchange information with each other. Artificial intelligence breakthrough! The valley...

标签: AI 谷歌