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新洲高考一本上线率超1/4 区教育局:有教无类

Xinzhou college entrance examination the rate of on-line over 1 / 4 area Bureau of Education: Education for all without discrimination

2015-06-29 08:12:33来源: 长江网

(长江日报记者林敏 通讯员邱新明 吴耀武 林贵明)新洲区李集街八屋村的高中润,3年前进入新洲一中时学习成绩排在第100名,而今年高考,他以理科669分的好成绩排在全校第10名。 这个普通农家子弟...

(Changjiang Daily reporter Linmin correspondent Qiu Xinming Wu Yaowu GUI Ming Lin) Xinzhou District Li Ji Jie Ba Wu Cun high school run, three years ago into the Xinzhou in learning achievement row in the 100, and college entrance examination this year, he science 669 points of good grades to row in the school the 10. This ordinary peasant family...