新关注 > 信息聚合 > 祝福!裴勇俊与演员朴秀珍今年秋天将结婚


Blessing! Bae Yong Joon and actor Pu Xiuzhen this fall will marry

2015-05-15 00:57:34来源: 威海新闻网

裴勇俊与演员朴秀珍今年秋天将结婚,随后Keyeast官网发布的官方立场。裴勇俊和朴秀珍将于今年秋天举办婚礼,两人之前以前后辈的关系相处,今年2月份开始互相产生好感并发展为恋人。 裴勇俊与演员朴秀...

BYJ and actor Pu Xiuzhen this fall will get married and then keyeast's official website released the official position. Bae Yong Joon and Pu Xiuzhen will, in the autumn of this year held wedding, two people before the previous generations of relationships, in February this year, began to each other a good impression and development of lovers. Bae Yong Jun and actress Park show...