新关注 > 信息聚合 > 加快推进交通建设 服务经济社会发展

加快推进交通建设 服务经济社会发展

Accelerate traffic to serve the economic construction and social development

2015-05-28 23:11:43来源: 磐安新闻网

郑坚良说,交通局将从三方面着手推进交通建设,助推我县经济社会发展。 以打造畅通交通为突破口,为经济社会发展提供保障。“经济发展,交通先行”,如何完善县域内干线公路网络,为新一轮区域发展提供新的支...

Zheng Jianliang said, Department of transportation will be from three aspects proceed to promote the construction of traffic, boosting the county economic and social development. To create smooth traffic as a breakthrough, to provide protection for economic and social development. "Economic development, traffic ahead", how to improve the county trunk highway network, to provide new support for the new round of regional development...