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Curiosity Mars panoramic view: the highest point on the board

2016-05-03 20:12:42来源: 东北网

新浪科技讯北京时间5月3日消息,NASA的好奇号火星探测车近日登上了目前到过的最高点,拍下了一组火星诺克卢福高原(Naukluft Plateau)的全景照片,场面极为壮观。图中的A峰距好奇号约29.1公里,高约1900米。 在好奇号发回的照片中,我们可以看到该探测器周围全是崎岖不平...

Sina science and technology news Beijing time on May 3 news, NASA's curiosity Rover recently landed at present to the highest point of the, to take panoramic pictures of a group of Mars nock Lu Fu plateau (Naukluft plateau), and the scene is very spectacular. Figure A from the curious about 29.1 km, about 1900 meters high. We can see that the detector is surrounded by a rough and bumpy picture...