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Scoring spree! Hengda 7 balls wins a maximum score to win record

2015-07-05 23:39:34来源: 华体网

7月5日晚,在中超第17轮比赛中,广州恒大主场7-0大胜重庆力帆,这一比分,创造了恒大中超历史的最大比分赢球记录。 上半场15分钟,于汉超接高拉特直塞单刀破门为恒大先拔头筹。落后的力帆大举压上,下半时恒大利用对手阵型前压的机会反击频频奏效,高拉特穿针引线又送出4次助攻,黄博文、郑龙和于...

7 month on the evening of December 5, in the Super League 17th round, Guangzhou Hengda home 7-0 victory over Chongqing Lifan, the score, creating a rival super history's biggest game winning record. 15 minutes in the first half, Yu Hanchao GalAT straight pole broke Hengda xianbatouchou. Backward Lifan pressure on a large scale, half Hengda the opponent formation pressure of the opportunity to counterattack frequently work, LVL threading a needle and four assists, Bowen, Zhenglong and in...