新关注 > 信息聚合 > 悉尼赛彭帅组合遭头号种子逆转 12连胜戛然而止

悉尼赛彭帅组合遭头号种子逆转 12连胜戛然而止

Sydney peng shuai combination was the top seed reverse 12 in a row to an abrupt end

2017-01-11 11:36:08来源: 新浪

彭帅和赫拉瓦科娃 新浪体育讯 北京时间1月10日消息 2017年WTA悉尼顶级赛展开女双首轮较量,上周在深圳夺冠的彭帅/赫拉瓦科娃以7-5/1-6/5-10惨遭头号种子米尔扎/斯特里科娃逆转,女双12连胜戛然而止,收到两人搭档以来的第二败(2014年武网)。 首盘比赛前四局,双方...

Peng shuai and Hera tile Eva Dispatch of sina sports Beijing news on January 10, 2017 WTA Sydney's top open women's doubles first round contest, won last week in shenzhen peng shuai/Hera tile branch Eva by 7-5/1-6/5-10 were the top seed mirza/tricot Eva reversal, women's doubles winning streak to an abrupt end, received two second loss partner wu (2014 mesh). The first game in the first four innings, both sides...