新关注 > 信息聚合 > 比特币中国式洗牌:谨慎者减仓 乐观者预测价格翻番

比特币中国式洗牌:谨慎者减仓 乐观者预测价格翻番

COINS Chinese shuffle: the cautious underweight optimists predict prices doubled

2017-01-08 14:36:42来源: 中国网

冲破8000元! 2017年1月5日凌晨1点10分,诞生8年的比特币价格站上了新的高点,随即又一度逼近9000元,在短短一天内一个比特币的价格上涨了超过1000元人民币。这让比特币投资者阿佘(化...

To break through 8000 yuan! At 1 am on January 5, 2017, 10 points, eight years of the birth of COINS on the new high price, then briefly approached $9000, in just one day a currency prices rose more than 1000 yuan. This let the currency investors measure (change...