新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阿城的一天,一台手机记录城中村你我他的故事


Acheng one day, a mobile phone recording villages you me his story

2016-05-30 01:36:56来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline 长测】中国版图的南部,有一个广东,广东的中部,是广州,广州有一个城中村,而城中村里有一个阿城。阿城是谁? 阿城是谁并不重要,他和许多外出打工,生活在城中村的人一样,每天过着“...

PConline long measuring 】 【 territory in the south of China, there is a guangdong, in the middle of guangdong, guangzhou, guangzhou urban villages, there is a village and the city has a acheng. Acheng is who? Who is acheng isn't important, he and many migrant workers, living in villages, live "every day...