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我国首部《中医药法》出台 民间老中医可转正

China's first "method of traditional Chinese medicine" Folk and old Chinese medicine can be positive

2017-01-04 10:01:36来源: 半岛网

早报讯 我国首部《中华人民共和国中医药法》(简称《中医药法》)上月25日出台,并将于今年7月1日实施。这是我国第一部全面、系统体现中医药特点的综合性法律,将中医诊所由许可管理改为备案管理,规定以师承...

Morning paper dispatch China's first "method of traditional Chinese medicine of the People's Republic of China" (hereinafter referred to as the act of traditional Chinese medicine) 25, last month, and will come into effect on July 1 this year. This is China's first comprehensive, reflect characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine comprehensive legal system, change the TCM clinic run by permission to record management, rules to learn...