新关注 > 信息聚合 > 李朱濠100蝶世界第一位置被抢 意美女200自四连冠

李朱濠100蝶世界第一位置被抢 意美女200自四连冠

Zhu li city was robbed 100 butterfly world first position meaning beauty 200 from malaga

2016-05-22 06:42:35来源: 新浪

李朱濠世界第一位置被抢 新浪体育讯 北京时间5月22日凌晨,欧洲游泳锦标赛结束了游泳大赛第六日七个项目的决赛争夺,匈牙利队再夺两金,其中名将切赫在100米蝶泳上游出今年世界最好成绩,取代了李朱濠...

Zhu li city location robbed sina sports - one of the largest in the world (Beijing time) on May 22 in the morning, the European championships ended the swimming competition on the sixth day seven projects for the final, Hungary to win two gold, one star petr cech in the 100 - meter butterfly upstream out the best in the world this year, replaced by li zhu city...