新关注 > 信息聚合 > 力帆官方宣布巴西前锋加盟 穿27号为重庆而战

力帆官方宣布巴西前锋加盟 穿27号为重庆而战

Lifan officially announced that Brazil striker wearing number 27 for Chongqing.

2016-07-22 02:10:38来源: 新浪

力帆宣布卡尔德克加盟 新浪体育讯 7月21日,中超重庆力帆队官方宣布巴西外援卡尔德克加盟球队。同时,此前球队的外援维埃拉离队。 重庆力帆今日宣布卡尔德克加盟。据重庆力帆介绍,卡尔德克将在7月22日下午抵达重庆,他将身穿27号战袍为重庆征战。 卡尔德克出生于1989年,是来自巴...

Lifan announced that Kardec joined sina sports news in July 21st, Chongqing Lifan team officially announced that Brazil foreign aid Kardec to join the team. At the same time, after the team foreign aid Vieira leave. Chongqing Lifan announced today to join Kaerdeke. According to Chongqing Lifan, Kaerdeke will arrive in Chongqing on the afternoon of July 22nd, he will be wearing the number 27 shirt in Chongqing. Kardec was born in 1989...