新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小天才电话手表Y03视频试玩:孩子的实用工具


Little genius Y03 phone watch video demo: the child's utility

2016-12-30 20:34:23来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline 资讯】目前儿童电话手表是一个新兴的市场。提到电话手表,就绕不开小天才。今天我们就来看看他们的新品,小天才电话手表Y03到底有什么样的功能。其实小天才手表一直引领行业,率先将双向通...

Now children PConline information 】 【 phone watch is an emerging market. The phone watch, in question is not open around little genius. Today we take a look at their new product, little genius phone watch Y03 exactly what kind of function. Little genius has been leading his watch industry, take the lead in applying two-way...

标签: 视频