新关注 > 信息聚合 > 家庭教育将纳入教师绩效考核 实施方案正式出台

家庭教育将纳入教师绩效考核 实施方案正式出台

Family education will be included in the teachers' performance appraisal implementation plan formally launched

2016-12-29 11:28:04来源: 半岛网

□半岛记者 刘恺琦 报道 半岛都市报12月28日讯 28日,记者从青岛教育局获悉,《青岛市开展家庭教育实验工作实施方案》日前正式出台,将通过四个服务平台的构建,探索建立具有青岛特色的家庭教育课程...

Reporter/peninsula Liu Kaiqi peninsula metropolis daily reported on December 28, 28, the reporter learns from Qingdao bureau of education, the implementation scheme of Qingdao city to carry out the family education experimental work has been formally launched, will through the four service platform construction, explore to establish family education courses with the characteristic of Qingdao...