新关注 > 信息聚合 > 远明山水项羽OL不一样的3D国战体验


Yuan Ming painter Xiang Yu OL don't like 3D's war experience

2014-08-14 13:09:42来源: 新浪

项羽CGWR 得分 CGWR:863 位 CGWR介绍 《项羽OL》是北京远明山水网络科技有限公司推出的一款历史题材游戏大作。游戏背景是群雄并起的秦末乱世,众所周知,这是一个动荡不安且英雄辈出的年代。游戏中的主角便是众多风云人物的代表——项羽:一个胸怀大志的楚国贵族,乌江自刎的西...

Xiang Yu CGWR scored CGWR:863 CGWR introduced the "OL Xiang Yu" Beijing is far Ming Landscape Network Technology Co., Ltd. launched a history theme big game. Is the background of the game at the end of Qin Dynasty in troubled times, ambitious and know that this is a shaky and heroic age. The game's protagonist is one of the representatives of Xiang Yu: Chu noble an ambitious, Wujiang Ziwen west...