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割绳子2攻略 面包房7-38攻略

Cut rope 2 introduction of the introduction of bread

2015-07-06 18:49:11来源: 4399

今天木木为大家带来的是割绳子2面包房7-38攻略,想知道割绳子2关卡7-38怎么过吗?那就赶快和木木一起来看看吧! 1.从左到右依次点击三个磁铁。到下图位置时,消除左边磁铁的磁力。 2.糖果被吸...

7-38 guide today, we bring you the rope cut rope 2 bread house 7-38 Raiders, want to know how to cut the rope 2 points 7-38 how? So quickly and take a look at it! Three from left to right click on the 1 magnets. To remove the magnetic force from the left side of the magnet in the following diagram. 2 candy is sucked...