新关注 > 信息聚合 > [高清]"雪海"赏花春意浓 藁城第十一届梨花节开幕

[高清]"雪海"赏花春意浓 藁城第十一届梨花节开幕

The opening of the Great Wall [

2015-04-04 01:42:45来源: 长城网

长城网4月3日讯(记者 解哲琳 董云鹏)4月3日,由藁城区人民政府举办的,藁城第十一届梨花节暨首届宫灯文化旅游节在藁城区宫灯博物馆启动。此次活动以“梨花为媒会宾朋休闲度假到藁城”为主题。精选出了赏宫...

the Great Wall news network April 3rd HD] "Xuehai" strong spring flowers at the Eleventh Gaocheng Festival (reporter Jie Zhelin Dong Yunpeng) in April 3rd, organized by the Gaocheng District People's government, the eleventh session of the Gaocheng pear Festival and the first palace lantern cultural Tourism Festival in the Palace Museum of Gaocheng District start lamp. This activity "pear as guests will resort to Gaocheng" as the theme. A select tours palace...