新关注 > 信息聚合 > 弦子自曝暗恋吴秀波丁丁惨遭恩师"扫地出门"


Xianzi exposing like Wu Xiubo Ding Ding were his "out of"

2014-08-23 21:52:15来源: 中国青年网

李琦与瞿颖 吴秀波与弦子 《我的青春高八度》播出过半却一直没有听到弦子“开金口”?今晚播出的第八堂课,歌手出身的弦子终于有机会一展歌喉,她将一边深情献唱《明天我要嫁给你》,一边得偿所愿地和吴秀波相拥浪漫共舞,更对男神实施当场扑倒,羡煞旁人!而向来春风得意的瞿颖本集破天荒被吴秀波绝地...

Li Qi and Qu Ying Wu Xiubo and the string "my youth high eight degrees" aired half has not heard Xianzi "word"? Eighth lectures on tonight, singer turned into finally have a chance to sing, she will sing while feeling "I want to marry you" tomorrow, he got his wish and Wu Xiubo embrace romantic dance, more implementation was down to the God, the envy of the world! And always the brilliance of Qu Ying this epoch-making Wu Xiubo jedi...