新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大学正在慢慢死亡,为了学费不顾体面


University is slowly dying, for my tuition fee regardless of decent

2015-08-27 17:48:26来源: 搜狐

文/伊格尔顿 翻译/吴万伟 几年前,一位校长不无自豪地带领我参观一所规模庞大、技术先进的亚洲大学。与其显赫的威势匹配,校长身边各站一位身着黑色西装、身材魁梧的年轻保镖。要我猜啊,他们的外套底下都...

paper / Eagleton translation / Wu wanwei a few years ago, a principal is not without proudly brought me to visit a large scale, advanced technology, Asia University. With its illustrious pomp, around each station a president, dressed in a black suit, strapping young bodyguard. And I guess they are all under their coats...