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Blockbuster! The central bank official centralized depository third-party payment cover

2017-01-13 19:03:00来源: 中国网

今天下午,中国人民银行发布了一项支付领域的新规定,明确了第三方支付机构在交易过程中,产生的客户备付金,今后将统一交存至指定账户,由央行监管,支付机构不得挪用、占用客户备付金。 按照要求,最终支付...

This afternoon, the people's bank of China issued a payment in the field of new regulations, has been clear about the third-party payment mechanism in the process of trading, the customer cover, the will deposit to the account specified, unified by the central bank regulation, pay the agency shall be allowed to misappropriate or occupy customer cover. According to the requirements, the final payment...