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谷歌Pixel 2曝光:高低配齐飞 拍照称王

Google Pixel 2 exposure: high and low or fly Photographed king

2017-01-30 19:56:51来源: TechWeb

Google Pixel/Pixel XL虽然遇到了不少坑爹的麻烦,但仍然无愧于安卓旗舰标杆,Google也正在打造第二代Pixel手机。 据最新线报,“Pixel 2”正在至少两种不同平台上测试...

Google Pixel/Pixel XL although had many pit dad trouble, but still worthy of android flagship benchmarking, Google also is building the second generation of Pixel mobile phones. According to the latest tip, "Pixel 2" are at least two different platforms test...

标签: 谷歌