新关注 > 信息聚合 > 您的车辆闯红灯扣6分,收到这样的短信千万别点!


6 points of vehicles running red lights, you receive from the texts don't!

2017-02-10 09:20:32来源: 河北新闻网

不少网友收到不同号码发来的短信,说自己的车违章了。奇怪的是,车牌号码和车主身份信息都是正确的(不知道哪里泄露了信息),后面还带了一个链接,随手点击打开,居然开始下载一个.apk的文件! 这时候,一...

Many people receive different number of SMS, said his car illegally. Strangely, the license plate number and the owner identity information is correct (don't know where the information), also brought back a link, click open and started to download a. Apk file! At that moment, a...