新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海口各界送医活动走进白沙罗帅村 缓解百姓看病难

海口各界送医活动走进白沙罗帅村 缓解百姓看病难

Haikou from all walks of life to send medical activities into the Bai Sha Luo Shuai Cun ease people to see a doctor difficult

2014-11-30 23:57:55来源: 南海网

11月29日,“美在心灵送医下乡活动”走进白沙元门乡罗帅村,海口各界医学专家下乡为百姓看病,缓解老百姓看病难问题,得到了罗帅村村民的一致好评(实习生 蓝爽爽 摄) 11月29日,“美在心灵送医下乡...

11 month 29 days, "the beauty in the heart hospital activities in the countryside" into the Romanian Shuai Cun Bai Sha Yuan men Xiang, Haikou various medical experts to the countryside for the common people to see a doctor, alleviate the problem of the common people to see a doctor, obtained the handsome village agreement Praise (photo Intern Lan Shuangshuang) in November 29th, "the beauty in the heart to send medicine to the countryside...