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许银川:双川会赢得幸运 蒋川家门口出战可能分心

Xu Yinchuan: Shuang Chuan will win the lucky Jiangchuan doorstep battle may distract

2015-08-18 18:19:25来源: 新浪

8月18日,“永嘉书院杯”2015年象棋双川会蒋川[微博]许银川[微博]四番棋对抗赛在永嘉书院战罢,许银川以2胜2和获得优胜,赛后双方分别对本次比赛做出了总结。 所谓好的开始是成功的一半,许银川在谈到最后能胜出的关键时也说道“第一盘棋是这次比赛的重点,当时本来以为要和了,但是因为一个...

8 month 18 "Yongjia College Cup" chess 2015 Shuang Chuan will Jiang Chuan [microblogging] Xu Yinchuan [microblogging] four rounds of chess tournament in Yongjia Academy zhanba, Xu Yinchuan to 2 wins 2 and won the championship, after the two sides respectively of the game made a summary. The so-called good start is half of success, Xu Yinchuan said in the final can win the key also said, "the first game is the focus of the game, when it was supposed to be, but because of a...