新关注 > 信息聚合 > “咔咔熊”蹿红被疑暗藏病毒 发布方:应官方下载

“咔咔熊”蹿红被疑暗藏病毒 发布方:应官方下载

"Kaka bear" jump red suspected hidden virus release party: should the official download

2015-03-05 13:15:30来源: 中国新闻网

近日,一只可爱的3D小熊“奇幻咔咔”APP在微博、微信火了起来。但与此同时,也遭到不少微友质疑该款软件涉及盗取用户信息。近日,记者从360网络安全专家和软件发布官方声明看到,此款软件“无毒”,“毒咔咔”或许出自第三方平台。 记者了解到,“3D小熊”采用全息投影技术。只要有2台手机,一...

recently, a cute 3D bear "magical Kaka" APP in micro-blog, WeChat fire up. But at the same time, was also a lot of micro friends questioned the software to steal user information. Recently, a reporter from the 360 network security experts and software released an official statement to see, this software is "non-toxic", "poison Kaka" may come from the third party platform. The reporter understands, "3D bear" using holographic projection technology. As long as there are 2 sets of mobile phone, a...