新关注 > 信息聚合 > 广西规划建设中泰(玉林)国际旅游文化产业园


Planning and construction of Guangxi and Thailand (Yulin) International Cultural Tourism Industry Park

2016-04-28 02:54:47来源: 中国新闻网

中新社玉林4月27日电 (记者 杨志雄 黄艳梅)广西玉林市官方27日介绍,中泰(玉林)国际旅游文化产业园建设加快推进,核心区已完成投资近亿元人民币,项目列入广西壮族自治区“十三五”规划“一带一路”重点工程。 玉林市作为古代“海上丝绸之路”重要发祥地,是广西最大的侨乡。据统计,祖籍玉林...

China news agency, Yulin, April 27 (Reporters Yang Zhixiong and Huang Yanmei) - 27 Yulin, Guangxi official presentation, Thailand (Yulin) international tourism and cultural industry park construction, speeding up, the core area has been invested nearly 100 million yuan, the project included Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region "thirteen five" plan "along the way" key projects. Yulin City as the ancient "Marine Silk Road" an important birthplace, is Guangxi's largest overseas Chinese. According to statistics, the ancestral home of Yulin ...