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张靓颖新歌《Make It Big》MV播放量破百万

Jane Zhang's new song "It Big MV" Make player to break a million

2016-04-06 12:57:05来源: 大众网

近日,张靓颖2016全新单曲《Make It Big》MV震撼登陆各大音频、视频网站,一经推出点击量就节节攀升,日前已突破百万点击,且点击量仍持续飙升!张靓颖在MV中的唱跳表现带给粉丝无数惊喜。 激励人心 励志歌词引发歌迷共鸣 在拍摄《Make It Big》MV初期,张靓颖被这首励...

Recently, Jane Zhang 2016 new single, "It Big Make" MV shock landing major audio and video sites, once launched on the rise of hits, has exceeded one million hits, and the amount still continues to surge! Jane Zhang in the MV to sing the performance of the fans to bring countless surprises. Inspirational inspirational lyrics triggered fans resonance in the shooting, It Big Make, MV, Jane Zhang was the first excitation...