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切尔西队魂:我想留在这退役 希帅:未来会回来

Chelsea Soul: I want to stay in this handsome Greek decommissioning: will be back next

2016-05-16 06:24:25来源: 新浪

特里被队友们高高抛起 新浪体育讯 切尔西主场在先进一球的情况下,最终1-1战平了莱斯特,从而结束了本赛季的所有比赛,而目前球迷最关心的问题莫过于队长特里的续约问题,赛后特里的一席话让球迷看到了队...

Terry was at his teammates high toss AP Chelsea scored a goal earlier in the case, the final 1-1 draw with Leicester, ending all competitions this season, and now the fans are most concerned about Mo Problems captain Terry over the renewal issue, Saihouteli remarks to the fans to see the team ...