新关注 > 信息聚合 > 到2020年 四川力争县级城市至少拥有一所老年大学

到2020年 四川力争县级城市至少拥有一所老年大学

By 2020, Strive to cities at the county level in sichuan have at least one elderly universities

2017-07-29 01:18:32来源: 大众网


On July 28, chengdu, sichuan news net news recently, sichuan printed and distributed to the elderly in education development planning ", sichuan province, sichuan will realize their further, this paper, teaching and old-aged's providing, to strive to achieve 2020 regular education activities in various forms of the elderly proportion more than 20% of the total number of elderly population, double the number of elderly people learn at school. Strive for the province in 2020, sichuan city at or above the county level shall, in principle, to...