新关注 > 信息聚合 > 汽车销售骗局猖獗 上半年要求3倍赔偿投诉明显增多

汽车销售骗局猖獗 上半年要求3倍赔偿投诉明显增多

Car sales fraud is rampant In the first half of the complaints significantly increased three times compensation claims

2017-07-29 10:26:27来源: 人民网

□ 本报记者 余瀛波 有关汽车的消费投诉正越来越多。消费者网今天发布的上半年在线平台统计情况显示,该网上半年接到大量汽车类消费投诉,投诉内容主要集中在销售欺诈、质量问题、合同违约、强买强卖、售后服务等方面。与以往不同的是,之前消费者投诉汽车问题,诉求主要是退车、修车或者延长保修期限等...

- our correspondent Yu Ying wave of consumer complaints about car is more and more. Consumer web published today in the first half of the online platform, according to the statistics of the half an year received a lot of online car class consumer complaints, complaints content are mainly concentrated in selling quality problem, a breach of contract, fraud, sold, after-sales service, etc. Unlike in the past, before the consumer to complain about the car, demands mainly car, car or extend the warranty period, etc...