新关注 > 信息聚合 > 福州又一跨境电 商监管中心启用 位于长乐国际机场

福州又一跨境电 商监管中心启用 位于长乐国际机场

Fuzhou is a cross-border electricity regulatory center enabled Is located in changle international airport

2017-07-29 06:03:12来源: 新浪

福州又一跨境电 商监管中心启用 位于长乐国际机场 经过场所验收及一个多月的系统测试,昨日,长乐国际机场正式启用优购跨境直邮暨国际快件监管中心,跨境电 商直购进口业务正式启动。该监管中心是福州自贸...

Fuzhou is a cross-border electricity regulatory center enabled Is located in changle international airport by site acceptance and system testing more than a month, yesterday, changle international airport officially enabled optimal purchase cross-border direct mail and international express regulation center, launched cross-border electricity direct purchase and import business. The supervision center is fuzhou since the trade...