新关注 > 信息聚合 > 民营银行“老兵”发展获肯定 T型布局初成难题待解

民营银行“老兵”发展获肯定 T型布局初成难题待解

Private banks veteran development affirmed T type layout difficult to be solved

2017-01-08 06:23:04来源: 中国网

中国网财经1月6日讯(记者 张晗) 转为常态化设立之后,监管部门认为民营银行发展已步入改革发展机遇期。银监会昨日发布了关于民营银行的监管指导意见,提出了更具体的民营银行监管要求。 在此之前,2016年年底监管部门“开闸放水”,12月份就有六家民营银行获批。据统计,2016年获批筹民营...

China Network Finance January 6th (reporter Zhang Han) into the normalization of the establishment, the regulatory authorities believe that private banking development has entered a period of reform and development opportunities. China Banking Regulatory Commission issued guidance on the supervision of private banks yesterday, and made more specific requirements for supervision of private banks. Prior to this, by the end of 2016, regulators "floodgates", in December there were six private banks approved. According to statistics, in 2016 approved private placement...