新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为了宣传 iPhone 7 夜拍 苹果这次真的很努力

为了宣传 iPhone 7 夜拍 苹果这次真的很努力

In order to promote the iPhone 7 night shoot apple really hard this time

2017-02-01 10:10:28来源: 电玩巴士

苹果今天宣布推出全新的“用 iPhone 拍摄”广告系列“ One Night on iPhone 7”,从今天开始,One Night on iPhone 7 系列广告将在25个国家推出。苹果聘请...

Apple today announced a new "shot in the iPhone" campaign "One Night on the iPhone 7", beginning from today, One Night on the iPhone 7 series of ads will be launched in 25 countries. Apple hired...

标签: 苹果