新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王俊凯来了 北京电影学院万人空巷(图)

王俊凯来了 北京电影学院万人空巷(图)

Chun-kai wang came The Beijing film academy in town (FIG.)

2017-02-10 16:36:43来源: 新浪

新浪教育讯 2月10日是北影艺考第三天。TFBOYS组合队长王俊凯前来北影赴考,引起众多粉丝关注。下午12时许,人气偶像TFBOYS中的王俊凯一身白色羽绒,口罩遮面现身北京电影学院表演专业考场。王俊...

Sina education - on February 10, is the north shadow art on the third day. TFBOYS combination captain chun-kai wang came to north shadow to take an examination of, many fans attention. 12 PM in the afternoon, the popular idols TFBOYS chun-kai wang a white feather, mask covered face appeared in the Beijing film academy performing professional examination. Wang junwork...

标签: 电影