新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海信电视必备软件盘点,Top5看900直播台


Hisense TV necessary software inventory, Top5 watch 900 live platform

2017-02-10 16:01:38来源: 中关村在线

在崭新的2017年,小编特意整理出了,海信电视最受欢迎的三款年度直播点播软件,可帮助大家免费看900+电视直播台,另外还是数万的高清、热门大片。欢迎各位看官收藏、转发! TOP 1:超强口碑直播点播聚合软件·泰捷视频 泰捷视频可以在首页添加直播功能,直播台多、高清、流畅,总之一个字,...

In the brand-new 2017, Xiaobian specially sorted out the three most popular annual live broadcast software of Hisense TV, which can help you watch 900+ TV live for free, and tens of thousands of HD and popular blockbusters. Welcome to Kanguan collection and forwarding! TOP 1: Super reputation broadcast on-demand aggregation software, Taiza videos Taiza videos can add live features in the home page, set, high-definition, smooth, in a word,...

标签: 直播