新关注 > 信息聚合 > 稳中向好!山东非师范类高校毕业生初次就业率近九成


Stability of positive! Shandong than normal college graduates employment rate nearly ninety percent for the first time

2017-07-01 23:19:34来源: 大众网

6月30日上午,山东省2017年夏季高校毕业生大型公益专场招聘活动在山东省人力资源市场举行, 活动邀请100余家知名企事业单位参加,提供近5000个适合各类高校毕业生的就业岗位。邵甜甜是山东行政学院国贸专业一名大四毕业生,前期因为忙于写论文,错过集中招聘时期,今天来招聘会想找一份与专业相...

On 30 June morning, in the summer of 2017 college graduates in shandong province special large public recruitment activities held in shandong province human resources market, activities, invited more than 100 well-known enterprises and institutions to provide nearly 5000 is suitable for all kinds of employment of college graduates. Shao, sweet, is a senior international graduates of shandong university of administrative, early because of busy writing a paper, miss focused recruitment period, to job fair today and want to find a professional photograph...