新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杭州楼市调控再升级 专家称政策累积会改变供求关系

杭州楼市调控再升级 专家称政策累积会改变供求关系

Hangzhou property market regulation and upgrade experts said cumulative changes of supply and demand

2016-11-10 23:12:52来源: 中国经济网

9月以来,重启限购,发布土地新政,同步上调公积金贷款二套房首付比例、商业性住房贷款二套房首付比例、暂停购房入户……11月10日,杭州官方再次实施楼市新政,房地产市场调控再升级。 新政指出,11月...

Since September, restart the purchase, release the land New Deal, synchronous increase of accumulation fund loan two suites down-payment, commercial housing loans two suites down-payment, pause to join a... On November 10, hangzhou official implementation of property policies again, the real estate market regulation to upgrade again. The New Deal, points out that in November...