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中国航天人开发“小铷钟” 打破国外市场垄断

China's space development "small rubidium standard" to break the foreign monopoly market

2016-04-11 00:19:46来源: 中国新闻网

中新网北京4月10日电 (张晓蕾 张素)比一张银行卡大点有限,却成为时频市场的“利剑”。记者10日从中国航天科工集团公司二院获悉,该院203所研制的“小铷钟”首次推向市场,预计今年将有百余台订货需求。 “小铷钟”鲜为人知,但说到它的“前辈”高精度星载铷原子钟,因大量服役于北斗二代导航...

Beijing, Beijing, April 10 (xiao-lei zhang wei Yang) is greater than a bankcard point co., LTD., has become a "sword" of time-frequency market. Journalist 10, from the China aerospace science and industry group co., LTD. 2 hospital, the hospital developed 203 "small rubidium standard" for the first time to market, this year is expected to have more than hundred order demand. "Small rubidium standard" little known, but in terms of its "predecessor" high resolution spaceborne rubidium atomic clocks, because a lot of service on beidou navigation of second generation...