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海口 让城市回归自然(美丽中国·调查)

haikou Let the city back to nature (beautiful China survey)

2017-08-04 08:31:33来源: 人民网

即便是对熟悉海南的人来说,这也算是件新鲜事:在省会海口人流量很大的动车站南侧,多出了一块1.4万平方米的八级梯田湿地。这块湿地被称作凤翔湿地。 “花钱做这个,除了美化景观,还有啥用?”起先有些人...

Even to be familiar with the people in hainan, this is a new: in the provincial capital haikou area south of the traffic was very moving station, a 14000 square meters 8 more terrace wetland. The wetland is called the fengxiang wetlands. "Spend money to do that, in addition to beautify the landscape, and use?" At first some people...