新关注 > 信息聚合 > 贾玲小品《喜乐街》被指嘲笑剩女和胖子


Jia Ling s "joy Street" refers to laugh at 3S lady and fat

2015-02-18 21:31:09来源: 中国青年网

瞿颖和贾玲的舞蹈遭调侃。 网易娱乐2月18日报道 春晚第一个小品由贾玲、沙溢、李菁、瞿颖表演的《喜乐街》,其中调侃“女神女汉子”的桥段遭到网友强烈吐槽,被指是嘲笑剩女和胖子。 以下是热门评论...

Qu Ying and Jia Ling dance was ridicule. NetEase entertainment reported in February 18th Spring Festival evening pieces by Jia Ling first, Sha Yi, Li Jing, Qu Ying. "Joy Street", the "female man joked goddess" of the plot was strong Tucao users, is accused of mocking 3S lady and man. The following is a popular comment...