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2014 Guangzhou auto show: the Volkswagen e-up! Home debut

2014-11-20 16:52:14来源: 中国新闻网

在2014广州车展上,大众e-up!正式在国内发布,这款车很快将会引入国内进行销售。 大众e-up!是一款续航里程达到160km的纯电动车。配置方面,它拥有自动空调、遥控停车加热/通风(空调和暖...

at the 2014 Guangzhou auto show, Volkswagen e-up! Officially released in home, the car will soon introduce domestic sales. The Volkswagen e-up! Is a pure electric vehicle mileage of up to 160km. The disposition aspect, it has automatic air conditioning, remote control parking heating / ventilation (air conditioning and...