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Cross linshui "help" give people out of poverty

2017-02-03 16:26:11来源: 四川新闻网地方频道

“脱贫致富是我们自己的事情,我们不能老是依靠别人来帮,要自己动起来!”近日,邻水县古路乡台子村10组贫困户艾成学数着客人上门订购土鸡的钱,感慨地说道。 艾成学和妻子谢翠英都是残疾人,生活十分困难,...

"Out of poverty to get rich is our own things, and we cannot always rely on others to help, want to move!" Recently, the township TaiZi Village linshui ancient road 10 groups of poor eison native customers learn counting order money, regrets ground say. Eison learn and wife Xie Cuiying are disabled, life is very difficult,...