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海峡法学论坛圆满落幕 两岸法学界人士深入交流

Channel legal forum ended cross-strait academic circles and in-depth exchanges

2015-08-19 22:59:25来源: 中国青年网

上海市政协副主席周汉民在论坛上发表演讲。(中国台湾网 尹赛楠 摄) 中国台湾网8月19日上海讯 (记者 尹赛楠)第十三届海峡法学论坛19日在上海圆满落幕。围绕“自贸区建设与法制保障”这一主题,两...

Shanghai Municipal People's political consultative conference vice chairman Zhou Hanmin gave a speech at the forum. (China Taiwan network Yin Sainan photo) China Taiwan network August 19th Shanghai (reporter Yin Sainan) thirteenth Strait law forum 19 successfully concluded in Shanghai. Around the "free trade zone construction and legal protection" this theme, two...