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The Olympic women's basketball tournament lost a chance? 12 into 5 lipin, Africa, Europe and the United States

2015-09-05 21:35:45来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间9月5日,2015女篮亚锦赛决赛,日本队以85-50战胜中国女篮,中国女篮获得本次亚锦赛的亚军,没能获得直通里约奥运会的门票,需要参加奥运落选赛。对于目前这支中国女篮来说,奥运落...

sina sports news Beijing standard time on September 5th, the 2015 basketball Asian Championship finals, team Japan by 85-50 victory over the Chinese women's basketball team, the Chinese women's basketball team get the hypophosphite Championship runner up, did not get through the Rio Olympics tickets, need to participate in the Olympic laxuansai. For the Chinese Olympic women's basketball, fall...