新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中视体育推动海岛体育产业发展 加快产业之间融合

中视体育推动海岛体育产业发展 加快产业之间融合

CCTV sports promote island development of sports industry To speed up the convergence between different industries

2016-07-20 00:30:58来源: 中国新闻网

中新网北京7月19日电(记者 王牧青) 今天,中视体育娱乐有限公司、中国致公党环境与可持续发展委员会、中国海洋学会海域和海岛分会、中国海岛网战略合作仪式在京举行。作为一次面向体育产业的尝试,央视体育...

Beijing, July 19 (reporter Wang Muqing) today, covering sports entertainment co., LTD., of the environment and sustainable development committee, the China seas and islands branch of China Marine institute, China island network strategy cooperation ceremony held in Beijing. As a sports industry oriented attempt, CCTV sports...