新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016年云南昆明石林县事业单位定向招聘考试公告


In 2016, yunnan kunming city institution directed recruitment examination announcement

2016-06-14 20:39:16来源: 中公教育

一、石林县简介 石林县位于昆明市东南部,全县国土面积1719平方千米,距昆明主城78公里。境内有驰名中外的喀斯特自然风光和阿诗玛彝族风情旅游胜地世界自然遗产、世界地质公园、国家5A级景区—石林风景...

One, the introduction of city, city is located in the southeast of kunming city, county land area of 1719 square kilometers, 78 kilometers away from kunming city. There are well-known Chinese and foreign scenic spot of karst landscape and ashimar yi nationality amorous feelings of the world natural heritage, world geological park, national 5 a grade scenic spot - the stone forest landscape...