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Summer drink with stress

2015-07-22 20:10:48来源: 人民网

酷热时节,太阳辐射和紫外线强度均达到最高等级,一不小心就可能中暑。 防暑,首先应及时补充水分,但是应注意少喝饮料。果汁、汽水等饮料中,含有较多的糖精和电解质,喝多了会对胃肠产生不良刺激,影响消化和食欲。白开水或淡盐、糖开水,更有利于健康。同时,还应注意不要喝太凉的水,否则也会刺激肠胃...

hot season, solar radiation and UV intensity reached the highest level, not careful may suffer heatstroke. Heatstroke, should first replenish moisture, but should pay attention to drink beverages. Fruit juice, soft drinks and other beverages containing more saccharin and electrolyte, drink many will produce undesirable stimulation of gastrointestinal, affecting digestion and appetite. Boiled water or light salt, sugar boiling water, is more conducive to health. At the same time, should also pay attention not to drink too cool water, otherwise it will stimulate the stomach...